Get out there and make it happen
As well as launching the #Refill scheme in the Horsham District, we managed to get the council to install a publicly accessible water tap in the park. We have now had confirmation that it is going to be permanent, which is a massive bonus for everyone visiting the park in Horsham.
If you are in the UK, go here for the Refill app. https://www.refill.org.uk/get-the-refill-app/
Originally shared by Kinder Living
Do you use Horsham Park?
Those of you who came to the Kinder Living Stand at Funday Sunday last weekend will have heard us directing people to the newly fitted tap on a standpipe, about 30m from where our stand was, to refill water bottles. We used it all day ourselves to blend the smoothies on the smoothie bikes.
Horsham District Council staff worked hard to ensure the tap was ready for Funday Sunday and the launch of Refill Horsham District. I know a tap sounds easy, but you wouldn’t believe how complicated such things can actually be!
We have now heard the good news that the tap will be a permanent fixture! It now has a push tap (so it doesn’t get left on accidentally) and a sign will be put up soon so people know it is definitely drinking water.
This means that those using the park, or walking their dogs, can fill up water bottles (or doggy dishes for our canine friends!) free of charge. We love the fact that our launch helped make this facility available.
Please join us in saying thank you to those who took the time to arrange it.
#Refill #LessPlastic #HorshamParkTap

Water consumption, the other elephant in the room.
sciencedaily.com – Hurricanes and other extreme events
Water consumption, the other elephant in the room.
sciencedaily.com – Hurricanes and other extreme events
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