I agree with you about our POTUS, but you have BREXIT. Stupidity knows no boundaries, like infectious diseases. The real question is where did the contagion begin, and where is Russia in all this?
I agree with you about our POTUS, but you have BREXIT. Stupidity knows no boundaries, like infectious diseases. The real question is where did the contagion begin, and where is Russia in all this?
I agree with you about our POTUS, but you have BREXIT. Stupidity knows no boundaries, like infectious diseases. The real question is where did the contagion begin, and where is Russia in all this?
Mac Baird it feels like we are sleepwalking over the abyss in the UK right now. The PM is intent on pushing things through and ignoring anyone that disagrees with her, including the 48% (which I am a part of) that voted to stay in the EU. That is another form of stupidity.
Mac Baird it feels like we are sleepwalking over the abyss in the UK right now. The PM is intent on pushing things through and ignoring anyone that disagrees with her, including the 48% (which I am a part of) that voted to stay in the EU. That is another form of stupidity.
Mac Baird it feels like we are sleepwalking over the abyss in the UK right now. The PM is intent on pushing things through and ignoring anyone that disagrees with her, including the 48% (which I am a part of) that voted to stay in the EU. That is another form of stupidity.
Wow you guys are so cool because your bashing a political figure. Your just jealousy cause either your canidante didn’t win or your not as rich as him. I have faith that is is going to improve this country, much more then Obama ever did and much more the Hillary ever could. yes he makes mistakes but he’s new to the political game give him a break, at least he’s not corrupt like most politicians.
Wow you guys are so cool because your bashing a political figure. Your just jealousy cause either your canidante didn’t win or your not as rich as him. I have faith that is is going to improve this country, much more then Obama ever did and much more the Hillary ever could. yes he makes mistakes but he’s new to the political game give him a break, at least he’s not corrupt like most politicians.
Wow you guys are so cool because your bashing a political figure. Your just jealousy cause either your canidante didn’t win or your not as rich as him. I have faith that is is going to improve this country, much more then Obama ever did and much more the Hillary ever could. yes he makes mistakes but he’s new to the political game give him a break, at least he’s not corrupt like most politicians.
Kyle Dawson Because the people want to see them and every president for the last half a century has released them willingly. He has nothing to hide right…
Kyle Dawson Because the people want to see them and every president for the last half a century has released them willingly. He has nothing to hide right…
Kyle Dawson Because the people want to see them and every president for the last half a century has released them willingly. He has nothing to hide right…
They Call Me The Anti-Troll he doesn’t have anything to hide. It’s still a free country he can release them or not it’s up to him. Also it doesn’t matter what presidents did before him he’s not the presidents before him, he’s himself. a lot of presidents before him where corrupt so they had way more to hide then him, especially Obama but no one questions him. Yet it’s always what dose trump have to hide.
They Call Me The Anti-Troll he doesn’t have anything to hide. It’s still a free country he can release them or not it’s up to him. Also it doesn’t matter what presidents did before him he’s not the presidents before him, he’s himself. a lot of presidents before him where corrupt so they had way more to hide then him, especially Obama but no one questions him. Yet it’s always what dose trump have to hide.
They Call Me The Anti-Troll he doesn’t have anything to hide. It’s still a free country he can release them or not it’s up to him. Also it doesn’t matter what presidents did before him he’s not the presidents before him, he’s himself. a lot of presidents before him where corrupt so they had way more to hide then him, especially Obama but no one questions him. Yet it’s always what dose trump have to hide.
You’re missing the point – there is an emoluments clause that prevents the president from benefiting from a foreign government. The first step in establishing if that’s even the case is to see what investments exist.
Furthermore, it directly eases the minds of American citizens.
But if you don’t care about violating the constitution, or upholding ethical laws, OR in the confidence of the American people, then sure, he can choose not to release them.
And he’s not releasing them. So…what does that say about the above?
Kyle Dawson And by the way, Kyle, you seem to assume that anyone who questions their leaders is the “other guys.”
1) You’re wrong.
2) It’s that thinking itself that’s un-american. It is not just our right, but our fucking DUTY to question our leaders, regardless of party affiliation.
The hypocrisy of Congress threatening 2 years of investigations on Hillary Clinton and then when THEIR candidate wins we squash any talk of an investigation into ACTUAL ELECTION conspiracy and any ethical violations is astounding.
Us vs. Them is the wrong mentality and it IS un-American. WE are in this shit together doofus.
You’re missing the point – there is an emoluments clause that prevents the president from benefiting from a foreign government. The first step in establishing if that’s even the case is to see what investments exist.
Furthermore, it directly eases the minds of American citizens.
But if you don’t care about violating the constitution, or upholding ethical laws, OR in the confidence of the American people, then sure, he can choose not to release them.
And he’s not releasing them. So…what does that say about the above?
Kyle Dawson And by the way, Kyle, you seem to assume that anyone who questions their leaders is the “other guys.”
1) You’re wrong.
2) It’s that thinking itself that’s un-american. It is not just our right, but our fucking DUTY to question our leaders, regardless of party affiliation.
The hypocrisy of Congress threatening 2 years of investigations on Hillary Clinton and then when THEIR candidate wins we squash any talk of an investigation into ACTUAL ELECTION conspiracy and any ethical violations is astounding.
Us vs. Them is the wrong mentality and it IS un-American. WE are in this shit together doofus.
You’re missing the point – there is an emoluments clause that prevents the president from benefiting from a foreign government. The first step in establishing if that’s even the case is to see what investments exist.
Furthermore, it directly eases the minds of American citizens.
But if you don’t care about violating the constitution, or upholding ethical laws, OR in the confidence of the American people, then sure, he can choose not to release them.
And he’s not releasing them. So…what does that say about the above?
Kyle Dawson And by the way, Kyle, you seem to assume that anyone who questions their leaders is the “other guys.”
1) You’re wrong.
2) It’s that thinking itself that’s un-american. It is not just our right, but our fucking DUTY to question our leaders, regardless of party affiliation.
The hypocrisy of Congress threatening 2 years of investigations on Hillary Clinton and then when THEIR candidate wins we squash any talk of an investigation into ACTUAL ELECTION conspiracy and any ethical violations is astounding.
Us vs. Them is the wrong mentality and it IS un-American. WE are in this shit together doofus.
David Dorian Granruth yes we should question our leads but insulting, disrespecting is not ok. How is mocking President Trump or burning American flags question our president, all that dose is make us look like animals. Our president has the same rights as us yet people act as if he needs to expose everything about his personal life. He has a right to privacy same as you and me and it’s protected by the constitution.
David Dorian Granruth yes we should question our leads but insulting, disrespecting is not ok. How is mocking President Trump or burning American flags question our president, all that dose is make us look like animals. Our president has the same rights as us yet people act as if he needs to expose everything about his personal life. He has a right to privacy same as you and me and it’s protected by the constitution.
David Dorian Granruth yes we should question our leads but insulting, disrespecting is not ok. How is mocking President Trump or burning American flags question our president, all that dose is make us look like animals. Our president has the same rights as us yet people act as if he needs to expose everything about his personal life. He has a right to privacy same as you and me and it’s protected by the constitution.
Kyle Dawson If you believe the country will be better off deeper in national debt with significantly increased spending on DoD and infrastructure and lower tax revenue with Tax Reform for the wealthy and corporations and spending cuts on domestic people programs and healthcare, you must be living in the top 10% of income earners. How do you suppose the STEM illiterate electorate are going to get educated and trained to find jobs in the fastest growing technology economy on the planet? Do you really believe all the billionaires in this administration give a rat’s ass about the 50% of the population that doesn’t even pay income tax because their Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) is below the poverty threshold? Most of them, including Trump, acquired their wealth by outsourcing jobs and hiring illegals wherever possible. Most of them, including Trump, have used our tax system, which is rigged to benefit the wealthy, to minimize their tax bill at the expense of the lower 90%, yet they have benefited the most from our economy.
Kyle Dawson If you believe the country will be better off deeper in national debt with significantly increased spending on DoD and infrastructure and lower tax revenue with Tax Reform for the wealthy and corporations and spending cuts on domestic people programs and healthcare, you must be living in the top 10% of income earners. How do you suppose the STEM illiterate electorate are going to get educated and trained to find jobs in the fastest growing technology economy on the planet? Do you really believe all the billionaires in this administration give a rat’s ass about the 50% of the population that doesn’t even pay income tax because their Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) is below the poverty threshold? Most of them, including Trump, acquired their wealth by outsourcing jobs and hiring illegals wherever possible. Most of them, including Trump, have used our tax system, which is rigged to benefit the wealthy, to minimize their tax bill at the expense of the lower 90%, yet they have benefited the most from our economy.
Kyle Dawson If you believe the country will be better off deeper in national debt with significantly increased spending on DoD and infrastructure and lower tax revenue with Tax Reform for the wealthy and corporations and spending cuts on domestic people programs and healthcare, you must be living in the top 10% of income earners. How do you suppose the STEM illiterate electorate are going to get educated and trained to find jobs in the fastest growing technology economy on the planet? Do you really believe all the billionaires in this administration give a rat’s ass about the 50% of the population that doesn’t even pay income tax because their Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) is below the poverty threshold? Most of them, including Trump, acquired their wealth by outsourcing jobs and hiring illegals wherever possible. Most of them, including Trump, have used our tax system, which is rigged to benefit the wealthy, to minimize their tax bill at the expense of the lower 90%, yet they have benefited the most from our economy.
Alan Stainer But over 30% of the 48% actually agree with TM (as well as 81% of the 52%), according to a recent YouGov poll (and they’re error margin is less than 1.4%). I’m afraid most of the country is actually behind the government.
Alan Stainer But over 30% of the 48% actually agree with TM (as well as 81% of the 52%), according to a recent YouGov poll (and they’re error margin is less than 1.4%). I’m afraid most of the country is actually behind the government.
Alan Stainer But over 30% of the 48% actually agree with TM (as well as 81% of the 52%), according to a recent YouGov poll (and they’re error margin is less than 1.4%). I’m afraid most of the country is actually behind the government.
Mac Baird actually are country debt has already decreases. You know I really hate stubborn liberals that are so strong in political belief they won’t listen to anything. I especially hate liberals that tell false facts and fight against democracy for the reason if there political views being the only thing that is right. I guess you liberals would rather have a communist country where your views are the only thing that’s allowed.
Mac Baird actually are country debt has already decreases. You know I really hate stubborn liberals that are so strong in political belief they won’t listen to anything. I especially hate liberals that tell false facts and fight against democracy for the reason if there political views being the only thing that is right. I guess you liberals would rather have a communist country where your views are the only thing that’s allowed.
Mac Baird actually are country debt has already decreases. You know I really hate stubborn liberals that are so strong in political belief they won’t listen to anything. I especially hate liberals that tell false facts and fight against democracy for the reason if there political views being the only thing that is right. I guess you liberals would rather have a communist country where your views are the only thing that’s allowed.
They Call Me The Anti-Troll I happen to know a lot. I want us to be in it together but as long as we have extremist liberals or extremist conservatives we will never have a good, safe, free country.
They Call Me The Anti-Troll I happen to know a lot. I want us to be in it together but as long as we have extremist liberals or extremist conservatives we will never have a good, safe, free country.
They Call Me The Anti-Troll I happen to know a lot. I want us to be in it together but as long as we have extremist liberals or extremist conservatives we will never have a good, safe, free country.
Kyle Dawson No mate. You know nothing. This man gave up his rights to any privacy outside of his personal relationships the moment he accepted the responsibility of representing 300 million people. He’s not doing a very good job of it either.
And for the record, people call him an asshole because he is one. There is no getting around that…
Kyle Dawson No mate. You know nothing. This man gave up his rights to any privacy outside of his personal relationships the moment he accepted the responsibility of representing 300 million people. He’s not doing a very good job of it either.
And for the record, people call him an asshole because he is one. There is no getting around that…
Kyle Dawson No mate. You know nothing. This man gave up his rights to any privacy outside of his personal relationships the moment he accepted the responsibility of representing 300 million people. He’s not doing a very good job of it either.
And for the record, people call him an asshole because he is one. There is no getting around that…
They Call Me The Anti-Troll by the way he did not give up his right of pravicy and if you don’t believe me go read the constitution . What your say is Like saying an NFL player gives away his right to bare arms when he joins the NFL because he becomes a tv celebrity.
They Call Me The Anti-Troll by the way he did not give up his right of pravicy and if you don’t believe me go read the constitution . What your say is Like saying an NFL player gives away his right to bare arms when he joins the NFL because he becomes a tv celebrity.
They Call Me The Anti-Troll by the way he did not give up his right of pravicy and if you don’t believe me go read the constitution . What your say is Like saying an NFL player gives away his right to bare arms when he joins the NFL because he becomes a tv celebrity.
Kyle Dawson No you idiot. A celebrity isn’t carrying the weight of a fucking country on their shoulders.
It’s spelled “bear” you uneducated fuck…
And yes. He does. It’s part of being the president. Everything you do will be analyzed and most people go into it knowing that. Tax returns reveal no personal information other than where your money came from and where it goes. What does the man have to hide?
Kyle Dawson No you idiot. A celebrity isn’t carrying the weight of a fucking country on their shoulders.
It’s spelled “bear” you uneducated fuck…
And yes. He does. It’s part of being the president. Everything you do will be analyzed and most people go into it knowing that. Tax returns reveal no personal information other than where your money came from and where it goes. What does the man have to hide?
Kyle Dawson No you idiot. A celebrity isn’t carrying the weight of a fucking country on their shoulders.
It’s spelled “bear” you uneducated fuck…
And yes. He does. It’s part of being the president. Everything you do will be analyzed and most people go into it knowing that. Tax returns reveal no personal information other than where your money came from and where it goes. What does the man have to hide?
Kyle Dawson You stated that the National Debt has already decreased, but you are obviously unfamiliar with the history of our debt and deficits. Please refer to the following charts. http://www.usgovernmentdebt.us/debt_deficit_history In absolute terms, the National Debt has never declined. However, as a percent of GDP (our economy), it has fluctuated over time. The record deficit was in 1943 at 129% at the beginning of WWII, and the record Debt% was 119% in 1946. We are now approaching 105.6%. There was a brief period under Clinton, when we ran a budget surplus, but since 2000, the debt, as a percent of GDP, has only risen. The Government reduces debt the same way you do. In Finance 101, you would learn that the only way to reduce debt is to pay it down. To do that, your income (taxes) has to be more than your spending. Trump has proposed that we increase spending and cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations. You can try this in your bathtub. What happens to the water level when you have more water going in than going out?
Kyle Dawson You stated that the National Debt has already decreased, but you are obviously unfamiliar with the history of our debt and deficits. Please refer to the following charts. http://www.usgovernmentdebt.us/debt_deficit_history In absolute terms, the National Debt has never declined. However, as a percent of GDP (our economy), it has fluctuated over time. The record deficit was in 1943 at 129% at the beginning of WWII, and the record Debt% was 119% in 1946. We are now approaching 105.6%. There was a brief period under Clinton, when we ran a budget surplus, but since 2000, the debt, as a percent of GDP, has only risen. The Government reduces debt the same way you do. In Finance 101, you would learn that the only way to reduce debt is to pay it down. To do that, your income (taxes) has to be more than your spending. Trump has proposed that we increase spending and cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations. You can try this in your bathtub. What happens to the water level when you have more water going in than going out?
Kyle Dawson You stated that the National Debt has already decreased, but you are obviously unfamiliar with the history of our debt and deficits. Please refer to the following charts. http://www.usgovernmentdebt.us/debt_deficit_history In absolute terms, the National Debt has never declined. However, as a percent of GDP (our economy), it has fluctuated over time. The record deficit was in 1943 at 129% at the beginning of WWII, and the record Debt% was 119% in 1946. We are now approaching 105.6%. There was a brief period under Clinton, when we ran a budget surplus, but since 2000, the debt, as a percent of GDP, has only risen. The Government reduces debt the same way you do. In Finance 101, you would learn that the only way to reduce debt is to pay it down. To do that, your income (taxes) has to be more than your spending. Trump has proposed that we increase spending and cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations. You can try this in your bathtub. What happens to the water level when you have more water going in than going out?
Kyle Dawson You need to spend more time in your English class in your elementary school. Your spelling and sentence structure are around 5th or 6th grade level. On the other hand, the problem may be that you only watch Fox News. That can have a detrimental effect on one’s IQ.
Kyle Dawson You need to spend more time in your English class in your elementary school. Your spelling and sentence structure are around 5th or 6th grade level. On the other hand, the problem may be that you only watch Fox News. That can have a detrimental effect on one’s IQ.
Kyle Dawson You need to spend more time in your English class in your elementary school. Your spelling and sentence structure are around 5th or 6th grade level. On the other hand, the problem may be that you only watch Fox News. That can have a detrimental effect on one’s IQ.
Alan Stainer It’s not so much that YouGov are wrong, more that they haven’t up-dated that particular knowledge base, which I’m sure will be once they perform another poll on the country’s view of Theresa May.
Fact is, polling by recognised organisation (YouGov is a member of the British Polling Council) is generally pretty accurate. Taking around 20 polls carried by YouGov since 2011 yields an average error rate of less than 1.4%.
“Polls may not be perfect, but they are the best, or least bad, way of measuring what the public thinks. In most countries where poll results can be compared with actual results (such as elections), well-designed polls are usually accurate to within 3%, even if they occasionally stray outside that margin of error. Moreover, much of the time, polls provide a good guide to the state of opinion, even allowing for a larger margin of error.”
Alan Stainer It’s not so much that YouGov are wrong, more that they haven’t up-dated that particular knowledge base, which I’m sure will be once they perform another poll on the country’s view of Theresa May.
Fact is, polling by recognised organisation (YouGov is a member of the British Polling Council) is generally pretty accurate. Taking around 20 polls carried by YouGov since 2011 yields an average error rate of less than 1.4%.
“Polls may not be perfect, but they are the best, or least bad, way of measuring what the public thinks. In most countries where poll results can be compared with actual results (such as elections), well-designed polls are usually accurate to within 3%, even if they occasionally stray outside that margin of error. Moreover, much of the time, polls provide a good guide to the state of opinion, even allowing for a larger margin of error.”
Alan Stainer It’s not so much that YouGov are wrong, more that they haven’t up-dated that particular knowledge base, which I’m sure will be once they perform another poll on the country’s view of Theresa May.
Fact is, polling by recognised organisation (YouGov is a member of the British Polling Council) is generally pretty accurate. Taking around 20 polls carried by YouGov since 2011 yields an average error rate of less than 1.4%.
“Polls may not be perfect, but they are the best, or least bad, way of measuring what the public thinks. In most countries where poll results can be compared with actual results (such as elections), well-designed polls are usually accurate to within 3%, even if they occasionally stray outside that margin of error. Moreover, much of the time, polls provide a good guide to the state of opinion, even allowing for a larger margin of error.”
Nicholas Berry In the US, there are three kinds of people, those who care, those who couldn’t care less and those who don’t have a clue. Polls tend to get responses from only those who care, one way or the other.
Nicholas Berry In the US, there are three kinds of people, those who care, those who couldn’t care less and those who don’t have a clue. Polls tend to get responses from only those who care, one way or the other.
Nicholas Berry In the US, there are three kinds of people, those who care, those who couldn’t care less and those who don’t have a clue. Polls tend to get responses from only those who care, one way or the other.
Much the same here I would think. Although the UK ‘don’t have a clue’s’, do have the option to answer ‘Don’t know’ and ‘Not sure’. Quite a popular option at times!
Much the same here I would think. Although the UK ‘don’t have a clue’s’, do have the option to answer ‘Don’t know’ and ‘Not sure’. Quite a popular option at times!
Much the same here I would think. Although the UK ‘don’t have a clue’s’, do have the option to answer ‘Don’t know’ and ‘Not sure’. Quite a popular option at times!
Mac Baird your an old man posting political crap and climate control protests on google plus, And your talking about my intelligence. Also just let you know I go to a college prep high school that is 15th in the Nation and I have straight A, so I’m not an idiot. Your problem is you only watch CNN. You also have a manger ego issue and refuse to listen to both sides of an argument.
Mac Baird your an old man posting political crap and climate control protests on google plus, And your talking about my intelligence. Also just let you know I go to a college prep high school that is 15th in the Nation and I have straight A, so I’m not an idiot. Your problem is you only watch CNN. You also have a manger ego issue and refuse to listen to both sides of an argument.
Mac Baird your an old man posting political crap and climate control protests on google plus, And your talking about my intelligence. Also just let you know I go to a college prep high school that is 15th in the Nation and I have straight A, so I’m not an idiot. Your problem is you only watch CNN. You also have a manger ego issue and refuse to listen to both sides of an argument.
Kyle Dawson Sorry Kyle, your past writings of the English language did not support your claims about being a straight A student. Actually, I rarely listen to CNN, more to CBS, BBCA and NPR. What exactly is a “manger ego issue”? If you meant “manager”, I would agree with you after a 20 year career as a submarine officer, 7 years as a manager Cape Canaveral and 21 years in the Financial Services Industry. I hope your career is as successful and enjoyable. If you have an issue with the Human contribution to Climate “Change” vice “control”, that would indicate you are still very early in your education in the STEM fields. STEM, by the way, is where most the jobs will be in the future, as there is already a significant shortage of those skills in our economy. I do listen to any side of an argument that is supported by scientific evidence, which if you have reviewed my posts, you would find that is virtually all I post to open forum. When you get around to picking a University, assuming you actually do have good grades, I recommend you choose one with a NROTC Unit. You might want to checkout the career opportunities as a Naval Officer at http://www.Navy.mil or consider the Officer Candidate School route, if you get a degree from a different school. There is no corporation that can compete with the 20+ year Navy Career Package.
Kyle Dawson Sorry Kyle, your past writings of the English language did not support your claims about being a straight A student. Actually, I rarely listen to CNN, more to CBS, BBCA and NPR. What exactly is a “manger ego issue”? If you meant “manager”, I would agree with you after a 20 year career as a submarine officer, 7 years as a manager Cape Canaveral and 21 years in the Financial Services Industry. I hope your career is as successful and enjoyable. If you have an issue with the Human contribution to Climate “Change” vice “control”, that would indicate you are still very early in your education in the STEM fields. STEM, by the way, is where most the jobs will be in the future, as there is already a significant shortage of those skills in our economy. I do listen to any side of an argument that is supported by scientific evidence, which if you have reviewed my posts, you would find that is virtually all I post to open forum. When you get around to picking a University, assuming you actually do have good grades, I recommend you choose one with a NROTC Unit. You might want to checkout the career opportunities as a Naval Officer at http://www.Navy.mil or consider the Officer Candidate School route, if you get a degree from a different school. There is no corporation that can compete with the 20+ year Navy Career Package.
Kyle Dawson Sorry Kyle, your past writings of the English language did not support your claims about being a straight A student. Actually, I rarely listen to CNN, more to CBS, BBCA and NPR. What exactly is a “manger ego issue”? If you meant “manager”, I would agree with you after a 20 year career as a submarine officer, 7 years as a manager Cape Canaveral and 21 years in the Financial Services Industry. I hope your career is as successful and enjoyable. If you have an issue with the Human contribution to Climate “Change” vice “control”, that would indicate you are still very early in your education in the STEM fields. STEM, by the way, is where most the jobs will be in the future, as there is already a significant shortage of those skills in our economy. I do listen to any side of an argument that is supported by scientific evidence, which if you have reviewed my posts, you would find that is virtually all I post to open forum. When you get around to picking a University, assuming you actually do have good grades, I recommend you choose one with a NROTC Unit. You might want to checkout the career opportunities as a Naval Officer at http://www.Navy.mil or consider the Officer Candidate School route, if you get a degree from a different school. There is no corporation that can compete with the 20+ year Navy Career Package.
I agree with you about our POTUS, but you have BREXIT. Stupidity knows no boundaries, like infectious diseases. The real question is where did the contagion begin, and where is Russia in all this?
I agree with you about our POTUS, but you have BREXIT. Stupidity knows no boundaries, like infectious diseases. The real question is where did the contagion begin, and where is Russia in all this?
I agree with you about our POTUS, but you have BREXIT. Stupidity knows no boundaries, like infectious diseases. The real question is where did the contagion begin, and where is Russia in all this?
Mac Baird it feels like we are sleepwalking over the abyss in the UK right now. The PM is intent on pushing things through and ignoring anyone that disagrees with her, including the 48% (which I am a part of) that voted to stay in the EU. That is another form of stupidity.
Mac Baird it feels like we are sleepwalking over the abyss in the UK right now. The PM is intent on pushing things through and ignoring anyone that disagrees with her, including the 48% (which I am a part of) that voted to stay in the EU. That is another form of stupidity.
Mac Baird it feels like we are sleepwalking over the abyss in the UK right now. The PM is intent on pushing things through and ignoring anyone that disagrees with her, including the 48% (which I am a part of) that voted to stay in the EU. That is another form of stupidity.
Dems are also losing more of their dwindling credibility
Dems are also losing more of their dwindling credibility
Dems are also losing more of their dwindling credibility
Over on the strange side of the fence?
I think you mean, Over on the strange side of the wall.
Over on the strange side of the fence?
I think you mean, Over on the strange side of the wall.
Over on the strange side of the fence?
I think you mean, Over on the strange side of the wall.
Ha ha. Good point robo bacon
Ha ha. Good point robo bacon
Ha ha. Good point robo bacon
“Did you do the thing?”
-donald trump: “He didn’t lie. He could’ve been more ‘accurate,’ but he didn’t lie. Those other people are losing their grip on reality.”
“Did you do the thing?”
-donald trump: “He didn’t lie. He could’ve been more ‘accurate,’ but he didn’t lie. Those other people are losing their grip on reality.”
“Did you do the thing?”
-donald trump: “He didn’t lie. He could’ve been more ‘accurate,’ but he didn’t lie. Those other people are losing their grip on reality.”
Wow you guys are so cool because your bashing a political figure. Your just jealousy cause either your canidante didn’t win or your not as rich as him. I have faith that is is going to improve this country, much more then Obama ever did and much more the Hillary ever could. yes he makes mistakes but he’s new to the political game give him a break, at least he’s not corrupt like most politicians.
Wow you guys are so cool because your bashing a political figure. Your just jealousy cause either your canidante didn’t win or your not as rich as him. I have faith that is is going to improve this country, much more then Obama ever did and much more the Hillary ever could. yes he makes mistakes but he’s new to the political game give him a break, at least he’s not corrupt like most politicians.
Wow you guys are so cool because your bashing a political figure. Your just jealousy cause either your canidante didn’t win or your not as rich as him. I have faith that is is going to improve this country, much more then Obama ever did and much more the Hillary ever could. yes he makes mistakes but he’s new to the political game give him a break, at least he’s not corrupt like most politicians.
Kyle Dawson Tell him to release his tax returns then…
Kyle Dawson Tell him to release his tax returns then…
Kyle Dawson Tell him to release his tax returns then…
They Call Me The Anti-Troll why dose he need to release his tax forums. It’s a free country
They Call Me The Anti-Troll why dose he need to release his tax forums. It’s a free country
They Call Me The Anti-Troll why dose he need to release his tax forums. It’s a free country
Kyle Dawson Because the people want to see them and every president for the last half a century has released them willingly. He has nothing to hide right…
Kyle Dawson Because the people want to see them and every president for the last half a century has released them willingly. He has nothing to hide right…
Kyle Dawson Because the people want to see them and every president for the last half a century has released them willingly. He has nothing to hide right…
They Call Me The Anti-Troll he doesn’t have anything to hide. It’s still a free country he can release them or not it’s up to him. Also it doesn’t matter what presidents did before him he’s not the presidents before him, he’s himself. a lot of presidents before him where corrupt so they had way more to hide then him, especially Obama but no one questions him. Yet it’s always what dose trump have to hide.
They Call Me The Anti-Troll he doesn’t have anything to hide. It’s still a free country he can release them or not it’s up to him. Also it doesn’t matter what presidents did before him he’s not the presidents before him, he’s himself. a lot of presidents before him where corrupt so they had way more to hide then him, especially Obama but no one questions him. Yet it’s always what dose trump have to hide.
They Call Me The Anti-Troll he doesn’t have anything to hide. It’s still a free country he can release them or not it’s up to him. Also it doesn’t matter what presidents did before him he’s not the presidents before him, he’s himself. a lot of presidents before him where corrupt so they had way more to hide then him, especially Obama but no one questions him. Yet it’s always what dose trump have to hide.
You’re missing the point – there is an emoluments clause that prevents the president from benefiting from a foreign government. The first step in establishing if that’s even the case is to see what investments exist.
Furthermore, it directly eases the minds of American citizens.
But if you don’t care about violating the constitution, or upholding ethical laws, OR in the confidence of the American people, then sure, he can choose not to release them.
And he’s not releasing them. So…what does that say about the above?
Kyle Dawson And by the way, Kyle, you seem to assume that anyone who questions their leaders is the “other guys.”
1) You’re wrong.
2) It’s that thinking itself that’s un-american. It is not just our right, but our fucking DUTY to question our leaders, regardless of party affiliation.
The hypocrisy of Congress threatening 2 years of investigations on Hillary Clinton and then when THEIR candidate wins we squash any talk of an investigation into ACTUAL ELECTION conspiracy and any ethical violations is astounding.
Us vs. Them is the wrong mentality and it IS un-American. WE are in this shit together doofus.
You’re missing the point – there is an emoluments clause that prevents the president from benefiting from a foreign government. The first step in establishing if that’s even the case is to see what investments exist.
Furthermore, it directly eases the minds of American citizens.
But if you don’t care about violating the constitution, or upholding ethical laws, OR in the confidence of the American people, then sure, he can choose not to release them.
And he’s not releasing them. So…what does that say about the above?
Kyle Dawson And by the way, Kyle, you seem to assume that anyone who questions their leaders is the “other guys.”
1) You’re wrong.
2) It’s that thinking itself that’s un-american. It is not just our right, but our fucking DUTY to question our leaders, regardless of party affiliation.
The hypocrisy of Congress threatening 2 years of investigations on Hillary Clinton and then when THEIR candidate wins we squash any talk of an investigation into ACTUAL ELECTION conspiracy and any ethical violations is astounding.
Us vs. Them is the wrong mentality and it IS un-American. WE are in this shit together doofus.
You’re missing the point – there is an emoluments clause that prevents the president from benefiting from a foreign government. The first step in establishing if that’s even the case is to see what investments exist.
Furthermore, it directly eases the minds of American citizens.
But if you don’t care about violating the constitution, or upholding ethical laws, OR in the confidence of the American people, then sure, he can choose not to release them.
And he’s not releasing them. So…what does that say about the above?
Kyle Dawson And by the way, Kyle, you seem to assume that anyone who questions their leaders is the “other guys.”
1) You’re wrong.
2) It’s that thinking itself that’s un-american. It is not just our right, but our fucking DUTY to question our leaders, regardless of party affiliation.
The hypocrisy of Congress threatening 2 years of investigations on Hillary Clinton and then when THEIR candidate wins we squash any talk of an investigation into ACTUAL ELECTION conspiracy and any ethical violations is astounding.
Us vs. Them is the wrong mentality and it IS un-American. WE are in this shit together doofus.
David Dorian Granruth yes we should question our leads but insulting, disrespecting is not ok. How is mocking President Trump or burning American flags question our president, all that dose is make us look like animals. Our president has the same rights as us yet people act as if he needs to expose everything about his personal life. He has a right to privacy same as you and me and it’s protected by the constitution.
David Dorian Granruth yes we should question our leads but insulting, disrespecting is not ok. How is mocking President Trump or burning American flags question our president, all that dose is make us look like animals. Our president has the same rights as us yet people act as if he needs to expose everything about his personal life. He has a right to privacy same as you and me and it’s protected by the constitution.
David Dorian Granruth yes we should question our leads but insulting, disrespecting is not ok. How is mocking President Trump or burning American flags question our president, all that dose is make us look like animals. Our president has the same rights as us yet people act as if he needs to expose everything about his personal life. He has a right to privacy same as you and me and it’s protected by the constitution.
Kyle Dawson You know nothing…
Kyle Dawson You know nothing…
Kyle Dawson You know nothing…
t Alan Stainer
t Alan Stainer
t Alan Stainer
Kyle Dawson If you believe the country will be better off deeper in national debt with significantly increased spending on DoD and infrastructure and lower tax revenue with Tax Reform for the wealthy and corporations and spending cuts on domestic people programs and healthcare, you must be living in the top 10% of income earners. How do you suppose the STEM illiterate electorate are going to get educated and trained to find jobs in the fastest growing technology economy on the planet? Do you really believe all the billionaires in this administration give a rat’s ass about the 50% of the population that doesn’t even pay income tax because their Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) is below the poverty threshold? Most of them, including Trump, acquired their wealth by outsourcing jobs and hiring illegals wherever possible. Most of them, including Trump, have used our tax system, which is rigged to benefit the wealthy, to minimize their tax bill at the expense of the lower 90%, yet they have benefited the most from our economy.
Kyle Dawson If you believe the country will be better off deeper in national debt with significantly increased spending on DoD and infrastructure and lower tax revenue with Tax Reform for the wealthy and corporations and spending cuts on domestic people programs and healthcare, you must be living in the top 10% of income earners. How do you suppose the STEM illiterate electorate are going to get educated and trained to find jobs in the fastest growing technology economy on the planet? Do you really believe all the billionaires in this administration give a rat’s ass about the 50% of the population that doesn’t even pay income tax because their Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) is below the poverty threshold? Most of them, including Trump, acquired their wealth by outsourcing jobs and hiring illegals wherever possible. Most of them, including Trump, have used our tax system, which is rigged to benefit the wealthy, to minimize their tax bill at the expense of the lower 90%, yet they have benefited the most from our economy.
Kyle Dawson If you believe the country will be better off deeper in national debt with significantly increased spending on DoD and infrastructure and lower tax revenue with Tax Reform for the wealthy and corporations and spending cuts on domestic people programs and healthcare, you must be living in the top 10% of income earners. How do you suppose the STEM illiterate electorate are going to get educated and trained to find jobs in the fastest growing technology economy on the planet? Do you really believe all the billionaires in this administration give a rat’s ass about the 50% of the population that doesn’t even pay income tax because their Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) is below the poverty threshold? Most of them, including Trump, acquired their wealth by outsourcing jobs and hiring illegals wherever possible. Most of them, including Trump, have used our tax system, which is rigged to benefit the wealthy, to minimize their tax bill at the expense of the lower 90%, yet they have benefited the most from our economy.
Alan Stainer But over 30% of the 48% actually agree with TM (as well as 81% of the 52%), according to a recent YouGov poll (and they’re error margin is less than 1.4%). I’m afraid most of the country is actually behind the government.
yougov.co.uk – YouGov | Public back Brexit plan but think EU will nix it
Alan Stainer But over 30% of the 48% actually agree with TM (as well as 81% of the 52%), according to a recent YouGov poll (and they’re error margin is less than 1.4%). I’m afraid most of the country is actually behind the government.
yougov.co.uk – YouGov | Public back Brexit plan but think EU will nix it
Alan Stainer But over 30% of the 48% actually agree with TM (as well as 81% of the 52%), according to a recent YouGov poll (and they’re error margin is less than 1.4%). I’m afraid most of the country is actually behind the government.
yougov.co.uk – YouGov | Public back Brexit plan but think EU will nix it
Nicholas Berry And YouGov are never wrong. They still think Theresa May is Home Secretary and David Cameron is PM. https://yougov.co.uk/opi/browse/Theresa_May
Nicholas Berry And YouGov are never wrong. They still think Theresa May is Home Secretary and David Cameron is PM. https://yougov.co.uk/opi/browse/Theresa_May
Nicholas Berry And YouGov are never wrong. They still think Theresa May is Home Secretary and David Cameron is PM. https://yougov.co.uk/opi/browse/Theresa_May
Alan Stainer So I guess, under BREXIT, you now have an illegal alien problem too with all those EU folks taking UK jobs.
Alan Stainer So I guess, under BREXIT, you now have an illegal alien problem too with all those EU folks taking UK jobs.
Alan Stainer So I guess, under BREXIT, you now have an illegal alien problem too with all those EU folks taking UK jobs.
Mac Baird actually are country debt has already decreases. You know I really hate stubborn liberals that are so strong in political belief they won’t listen to anything. I especially hate liberals that tell false facts and fight against democracy for the reason if there political views being the only thing that is right. I guess you liberals would rather have a communist country where your views are the only thing that’s allowed.
Mac Baird actually are country debt has already decreases. You know I really hate stubborn liberals that are so strong in political belief they won’t listen to anything. I especially hate liberals that tell false facts and fight against democracy for the reason if there political views being the only thing that is right. I guess you liberals would rather have a communist country where your views are the only thing that’s allowed.
Mac Baird actually are country debt has already decreases. You know I really hate stubborn liberals that are so strong in political belief they won’t listen to anything. I especially hate liberals that tell false facts and fight against democracy for the reason if there political views being the only thing that is right. I guess you liberals would rather have a communist country where your views are the only thing that’s allowed.
They Call Me The Anti-Troll I happen to know a lot. I want us to be in it together but as long as we have extremist liberals or extremist conservatives we will never have a good, safe, free country.
They Call Me The Anti-Troll I happen to know a lot. I want us to be in it together but as long as we have extremist liberals or extremist conservatives we will never have a good, safe, free country.
They Call Me The Anti-Troll I happen to know a lot. I want us to be in it together but as long as we have extremist liberals or extremist conservatives we will never have a good, safe, free country.
Kyle Dawson No mate. You know nothing. This man gave up his rights to any privacy outside of his personal relationships the moment he accepted the responsibility of representing 300 million people. He’s not doing a very good job of it either.
And for the record, people call him an asshole because he is one. There is no getting around that…
Kyle Dawson No mate. You know nothing. This man gave up his rights to any privacy outside of his personal relationships the moment he accepted the responsibility of representing 300 million people. He’s not doing a very good job of it either.
And for the record, people call him an asshole because he is one. There is no getting around that…
Kyle Dawson No mate. You know nothing. This man gave up his rights to any privacy outside of his personal relationships the moment he accepted the responsibility of representing 300 million people. He’s not doing a very good job of it either.
And for the record, people call him an asshole because he is one. There is no getting around that…
They Call Me The Anti-Troll for an anti troll you act a lot like a uneducated internet troll, in fact most of America is acting that way.
They Call Me The Anti-Troll for an anti troll you act a lot like a uneducated internet troll, in fact most of America is acting that way.
They Call Me The Anti-Troll for an anti troll you act a lot like a uneducated internet troll, in fact most of America is acting that way.
They Call Me The Anti-Troll by the way he did not give up his right of pravicy and if you don’t believe me go read the constitution . What your say is Like saying an NFL player gives away his right to bare arms when he joins the NFL because he becomes a tv celebrity.
They Call Me The Anti-Troll by the way he did not give up his right of pravicy and if you don’t believe me go read the constitution . What your say is Like saying an NFL player gives away his right to bare arms when he joins the NFL because he becomes a tv celebrity.
They Call Me The Anti-Troll by the way he did not give up his right of pravicy and if you don’t believe me go read the constitution . What your say is Like saying an NFL player gives away his right to bare arms when he joins the NFL because he becomes a tv celebrity.
They Call Me The Anti-Troll Mac Baird Alan Stainer y’all really need to do some research before stating “facts” or making arguments.
They Call Me The Anti-Troll Mac Baird Alan Stainer y’all really need to do some research before stating “facts” or making arguments.
They Call Me The Anti-Troll Mac Baird Alan Stainer y’all really need to do some research before stating “facts” or making arguments.
Kyle Dawson No you idiot. A celebrity isn’t carrying the weight of a fucking country on their shoulders.
It’s spelled “bear” you uneducated fuck…
And yes. He does. It’s part of being the president. Everything you do will be analyzed and most people go into it knowing that. Tax returns reveal no personal information other than where your money came from and where it goes. What does the man have to hide?
Kyle Dawson No you idiot. A celebrity isn’t carrying the weight of a fucking country on their shoulders.
It’s spelled “bear” you uneducated fuck…
And yes. He does. It’s part of being the president. Everything you do will be analyzed and most people go into it knowing that. Tax returns reveal no personal information other than where your money came from and where it goes. What does the man have to hide?
Kyle Dawson No you idiot. A celebrity isn’t carrying the weight of a fucking country on their shoulders.
It’s spelled “bear” you uneducated fuck…
And yes. He does. It’s part of being the president. Everything you do will be analyzed and most people go into it knowing that. Tax returns reveal no personal information other than where your money came from and where it goes. What does the man have to hide?
Kyle Dawson You stated that the National Debt has already decreased, but you are obviously unfamiliar with the history of our debt and deficits. Please refer to the following charts. http://www.usgovernmentdebt.us/debt_deficit_history In absolute terms, the National Debt has never declined. However, as a percent of GDP (our economy), it has fluctuated over time. The record deficit was in 1943 at 129% at the beginning of WWII, and the record Debt% was 119% in 1946. We are now approaching 105.6%. There was a brief period under Clinton, when we ran a budget surplus, but since 2000, the debt, as a percent of GDP, has only risen. The Government reduces debt the same way you do. In Finance 101, you would learn that the only way to reduce debt is to pay it down. To do that, your income (taxes) has to be more than your spending. Trump has proposed that we increase spending and cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations. You can try this in your bathtub. What happens to the water level when you have more water going in than going out?
Kyle Dawson You stated that the National Debt has already decreased, but you are obviously unfamiliar with the history of our debt and deficits. Please refer to the following charts. http://www.usgovernmentdebt.us/debt_deficit_history In absolute terms, the National Debt has never declined. However, as a percent of GDP (our economy), it has fluctuated over time. The record deficit was in 1943 at 129% at the beginning of WWII, and the record Debt% was 119% in 1946. We are now approaching 105.6%. There was a brief period under Clinton, when we ran a budget surplus, but since 2000, the debt, as a percent of GDP, has only risen. The Government reduces debt the same way you do. In Finance 101, you would learn that the only way to reduce debt is to pay it down. To do that, your income (taxes) has to be more than your spending. Trump has proposed that we increase spending and cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations. You can try this in your bathtub. What happens to the water level when you have more water going in than going out?
Kyle Dawson You stated that the National Debt has already decreased, but you are obviously unfamiliar with the history of our debt and deficits. Please refer to the following charts. http://www.usgovernmentdebt.us/debt_deficit_history In absolute terms, the National Debt has never declined. However, as a percent of GDP (our economy), it has fluctuated over time. The record deficit was in 1943 at 129% at the beginning of WWII, and the record Debt% was 119% in 1946. We are now approaching 105.6%. There was a brief period under Clinton, when we ran a budget surplus, but since 2000, the debt, as a percent of GDP, has only risen. The Government reduces debt the same way you do. In Finance 101, you would learn that the only way to reduce debt is to pay it down. To do that, your income (taxes) has to be more than your spending. Trump has proposed that we increase spending and cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations. You can try this in your bathtub. What happens to the water level when you have more water going in than going out?
Kyle Dawson You need to spend more time in your English class in your elementary school. Your spelling and sentence structure are around 5th or 6th grade level. On the other hand, the problem may be that you only watch Fox News. That can have a detrimental effect on one’s IQ.
Kyle Dawson You need to spend more time in your English class in your elementary school. Your spelling and sentence structure are around 5th or 6th grade level. On the other hand, the problem may be that you only watch Fox News. That can have a detrimental effect on one’s IQ.
Kyle Dawson You need to spend more time in your English class in your elementary school. Your spelling and sentence structure are around 5th or 6th grade level. On the other hand, the problem may be that you only watch Fox News. That can have a detrimental effect on one’s IQ.
Alan Stainer It’s not so much that YouGov are wrong, more that they haven’t up-dated that particular knowledge base, which I’m sure will be once they perform another poll on the country’s view of Theresa May.
Fact is, polling by recognised organisation (YouGov is a member of the British Polling Council) is generally pretty accurate. Taking around 20 polls carried by YouGov since 2011 yields an average error rate of less than 1.4%.
“Polls may not be perfect, but they are the best, or least bad, way of measuring what the public thinks. In most countries where poll results can be compared with actual results (such as elections), well-designed polls are usually accurate to within 3%, even if they occasionally stray outside that margin of error. Moreover, much of the time, polls provide a good guide to the state of opinion, even allowing for a larger margin of error.”
Taken from:
Alan Stainer It’s not so much that YouGov are wrong, more that they haven’t up-dated that particular knowledge base, which I’m sure will be once they perform another poll on the country’s view of Theresa May.
Fact is, polling by recognised organisation (YouGov is a member of the British Polling Council) is generally pretty accurate. Taking around 20 polls carried by YouGov since 2011 yields an average error rate of less than 1.4%.
“Polls may not be perfect, but they are the best, or least bad, way of measuring what the public thinks. In most countries where poll results can be compared with actual results (such as elections), well-designed polls are usually accurate to within 3%, even if they occasionally stray outside that margin of error. Moreover, much of the time, polls provide a good guide to the state of opinion, even allowing for a larger margin of error.”
Taken from:
Alan Stainer It’s not so much that YouGov are wrong, more that they haven’t up-dated that particular knowledge base, which I’m sure will be once they perform another poll on the country’s view of Theresa May.
Fact is, polling by recognised organisation (YouGov is a member of the British Polling Council) is generally pretty accurate. Taking around 20 polls carried by YouGov since 2011 yields an average error rate of less than 1.4%.
“Polls may not be perfect, but they are the best, or least bad, way of measuring what the public thinks. In most countries where poll results can be compared with actual results (such as elections), well-designed polls are usually accurate to within 3%, even if they occasionally stray outside that margin of error. Moreover, much of the time, polls provide a good guide to the state of opinion, even allowing for a larger margin of error.”
Taken from:
Nicholas Berry In the US, there are three kinds of people, those who care, those who couldn’t care less and those who don’t have a clue. Polls tend to get responses from only those who care, one way or the other.
Nicholas Berry In the US, there are three kinds of people, those who care, those who couldn’t care less and those who don’t have a clue. Polls tend to get responses from only those who care, one way or the other.
Nicholas Berry In the US, there are three kinds of people, those who care, those who couldn’t care less and those who don’t have a clue. Polls tend to get responses from only those who care, one way or the other.
Mac Baird
Much the same here I would think. Although the UK ‘don’t have a clue’s’, do have the option to answer ‘Don’t know’ and ‘Not sure’. Quite a popular option at times!
Mac Baird
Much the same here I would think. Although the UK ‘don’t have a clue’s’, do have the option to answer ‘Don’t know’ and ‘Not sure’. Quite a popular option at times!
Mac Baird
Much the same here I would think. Although the UK ‘don’t have a clue’s’, do have the option to answer ‘Don’t know’ and ‘Not sure’. Quite a popular option at times!
Mac Baird your an old man posting political crap and climate control protests on google plus, And your talking about my intelligence. Also just let you know I go to a college prep high school that is 15th in the Nation and I have straight A, so I’m not an idiot. Your problem is you only watch CNN. You also have a manger ego issue and refuse to listen to both sides of an argument.
Mac Baird your an old man posting political crap and climate control protests on google plus, And your talking about my intelligence. Also just let you know I go to a college prep high school that is 15th in the Nation and I have straight A, so I’m not an idiot. Your problem is you only watch CNN. You also have a manger ego issue and refuse to listen to both sides of an argument.
Mac Baird your an old man posting political crap and climate control protests on google plus, And your talking about my intelligence. Also just let you know I go to a college prep high school that is 15th in the Nation and I have straight A, so I’m not an idiot. Your problem is you only watch CNN. You also have a manger ego issue and refuse to listen to both sides of an argument.
Kyle Dawson Sorry Kyle, your past writings of the English language did not support your claims about being a straight A student. Actually, I rarely listen to CNN, more to CBS, BBCA and NPR. What exactly is a “manger ego issue”? If you meant “manager”, I would agree with you after a 20 year career as a submarine officer, 7 years as a manager Cape Canaveral and 21 years in the Financial Services Industry. I hope your career is as successful and enjoyable. If you have an issue with the Human contribution to Climate “Change” vice “control”, that would indicate you are still very early in your education in the STEM fields. STEM, by the way, is where most the jobs will be in the future, as there is already a significant shortage of those skills in our economy. I do listen to any side of an argument that is supported by scientific evidence, which if you have reviewed my posts, you would find that is virtually all I post to open forum. When you get around to picking a University, assuming you actually do have good grades, I recommend you choose one with a NROTC Unit. You might want to checkout the career opportunities as a Naval Officer at http://www.Navy.mil or consider the Officer Candidate School route, if you get a degree from a different school. There is no corporation that can compete with the 20+ year Navy Career Package.
Kyle Dawson Sorry Kyle, your past writings of the English language did not support your claims about being a straight A student. Actually, I rarely listen to CNN, more to CBS, BBCA and NPR. What exactly is a “manger ego issue”? If you meant “manager”, I would agree with you after a 20 year career as a submarine officer, 7 years as a manager Cape Canaveral and 21 years in the Financial Services Industry. I hope your career is as successful and enjoyable. If you have an issue with the Human contribution to Climate “Change” vice “control”, that would indicate you are still very early in your education in the STEM fields. STEM, by the way, is where most the jobs will be in the future, as there is already a significant shortage of those skills in our economy. I do listen to any side of an argument that is supported by scientific evidence, which if you have reviewed my posts, you would find that is virtually all I post to open forum. When you get around to picking a University, assuming you actually do have good grades, I recommend you choose one with a NROTC Unit. You might want to checkout the career opportunities as a Naval Officer at http://www.Navy.mil or consider the Officer Candidate School route, if you get a degree from a different school. There is no corporation that can compete with the 20+ year Navy Career Package.
Kyle Dawson Sorry Kyle, your past writings of the English language did not support your claims about being a straight A student. Actually, I rarely listen to CNN, more to CBS, BBCA and NPR. What exactly is a “manger ego issue”? If you meant “manager”, I would agree with you after a 20 year career as a submarine officer, 7 years as a manager Cape Canaveral and 21 years in the Financial Services Industry. I hope your career is as successful and enjoyable. If you have an issue with the Human contribution to Climate “Change” vice “control”, that would indicate you are still very early in your education in the STEM fields. STEM, by the way, is where most the jobs will be in the future, as there is already a significant shortage of those skills in our economy. I do listen to any side of an argument that is supported by scientific evidence, which if you have reviewed my posts, you would find that is virtually all I post to open forum. When you get around to picking a University, assuming you actually do have good grades, I recommend you choose one with a NROTC Unit. You might want to checkout the career opportunities as a Naval Officer at http://www.Navy.mil or consider the Officer Candidate School route, if you get a degree from a different school. There is no corporation that can compete with the 20+ year Navy Career Package.
Mac Baird listen dude i don’t care about your past and I don’t care what you think. I am just saying my opinions.
Mac Baird listen dude i don’t care about your past and I don’t care what you think. I am just saying my opinions.
Mac Baird listen dude i don’t care about your past and I don’t care what you think. I am just saying my opinions.