Windows 10 deleted this computer’s anti virus software
According to the message that popped up, the AV software that was installed was incompatible and so Windows 10 disabled it and activated Windows Defender.
When I checked, it had actually deleted the software entirely. I installed Malwarebytes to clean up the machine, which you can see in action in the video. In total it found 2639 threats.
So this is a warning for Windows 10 users. Do not assume everything is fine.
I have Windows 10 on 8 computers, 5 at work, 3 at home. I have run 360 security, Norton Internet Security, Bitdefender free, and now paid Kaspersky with 0 issues. This 1 in a million instance does not make it a bad OS. No one should ever assume, on any OS that “everything is fine”.
Tis fun to after 60 years to fight viral infections of poor quality. As 1964 Ge Dartmouth time share teletyewriter ran out of ribbon you all do not have the 1s and 0s to stick a both experienced radio and eletronic disaster have a NEUCULAR emp on usarmy grand forks ND
Rob West as I fix computers, I tend to see more issues like this than most. It is rare, but it does happen more than it should. Far more often than 1 in a million from my experience. Not necessarily with anti virus software, but with programs in general. Usually it means Windows 10 has substituted a program for a Microsoft alternative, like Edge in place of Chrome. I have seen that one happen multiple times, including on my own machines.
I’m running Kaspersky on mine. No problems…yet.
Brian Murphy it isn’t user error. Another time (recently) I saw a similar notification that AVG was incompatible and had been disabled. The Windows generated prompt to upgrade AVG or keep Windows Defender failed to do anything in regards to upgrading AVG. Instead I had to do everything manually by downloading the installer, etc. A similar thing happened this time.
As a consultant, my first order of business with new customers is to move them to Win 10 and then install cloud managed Symantec End-Point Protection. I have yet to see any issue like this. The worst I’ve seen is residential customers removing Symantec to install something like avast which they usually bring back to me because avast is causing several issues.
Additionally, as a devout Linux user and teacher, I haven’t had any major issues with Windows 10 other than a few updates getting stuck. System Restore and restarting updates almost always clears it up. Frankly, I’m impressed with 10.
When it happened to my computer I had to take it back to factory settings then I turned the computer back on and it reset itself but it took hours and I had to then put back in extra software
Since Windows is itself malware, it was a question of survival – it had to delete the AV software first.
Why am i recieving notifications
Osman Osman disable notifications in the community settings.
Osman Osman what notifications are you getting? Are they emails?
going to say this is just a google thing i use for youtube comments
Ikr XD
Square Squid Studios Did you join the Software community?
Some people are use Ant virus from download app for free this cause Many Microsoft machine become unsafe
Square Squid Studios At the top of this post touch “Software” (blue text). That will bring you to the Collections page. Touch the word “following” in white text and white border. You will see “Unfollowing…” in a pop up. Done.
Square Squid Studios Then I don’t know. Blame Google.
Win10 is great. It is lovely. I like the design of it though I am not using it mostly. I am using either Mac or Linux nowadays. I have one laptop which runs on win10. However, I don’t open it since it is too bulky and the display is not okay. I upgraded its storage from HDD to SDD which makes it much faster than before. Hence, I satisfied the machine but not much use it. I mostly use a computer for machine learning programming. However, Windows is usually not a baseline of machine learning exercise. Therefore, I prefer to use other OSs.
so what can do for this situation give me the method
I love pakistan
Osman Osman Square Squid Studios Justin Goldsmith I have heard from other collection owners that people have been getting similar notifications about their posts too. It is a newish Google thing, which is confusing a lot of people.
getting back to the point, now I understand why I had to reinstall Avira on our two laptops.
Σας αγαπω
there some problem from my windows
Mera mulk meriJan he
Humm nice
The recent Windows 10 update also removed my Norton 360 software. I had to download and reinstall, and then wait while it scanned everything and removed a bunch of tracking cookies.
So malwarebytes found 2639 threats and you BLAME MS? lol
Happens a lot; I tried to install immunet on windows 10 home a long time ago, and it wasn’t compatible. So guess what? Whoosh, the next day I rebooted my PC, it was gone.
lol rip
Douglas Reinosa it’s a case of cause and effect. Not blaming Microsoft so much as warning others to be vigilant. If anyone is to blame, it is the scum that write the malware.
Uhh get out
Ok actually is nice to know
I know, you can still play Arma 3 on it.