This arrived in the post
Now some of you may be thinking, “Why has he gone and bought an Ubuntu USB stick?”
Yes, you can download Ubuntu and yes I already have it on two DVDs (one for 64 bit and one for 32 bit) and on another USB stick I created myself.
The thing is though… branding.
You see I am going to be at a show at the beginning of July and one of the things I will be doing there is demonstrating a few alternatives to Windows, one of which happens to be Ubuntu. For anyone new to Linux in general, branding helps to reassure that it is a genuine alternative, plus it highlights that if they don’t want to download the OS or they simply have a poor internet connection, then Ubuntu is still an option for them.
I will be proudly waving around my branded USB stick for anyone who cares to find out about Linux at the Kinder Living Show on the 2nd and 3rd July. http://www.kinderlivingshow.co.uk
Ubuntu is a bad alternative for anyone serious into getting into Unix.
Arch would be a pretty good system for beginners.
William Maxwell Iceladen anyone wanting to get into Unix, should be using Unix.
Unix != Linux
Alan Stainer I know I was simplyfing it to contrast with Windows ones
William Maxwell Iceladen the people I am expecting to turn up at the show aren’t going to be power users by any stretch. Ubuntu is good for them. If they choose to move onto other distributions once they have dipped their toes into the world of Linux, good!
Alan Stainer yeah but if people are going to use for Facebook and browsing they reap better on Windows.
I will probably cop flak for this but I think ubuntu should have more branding.
William Maxwell Iceladen why is Windows better for surfing Facebook? I don’t see the logic there.
Alan Stainer control of low level stack
Better developed display system
Doesn’t assume technical competence of the administrator
Programs have a tendency to update themselves so that you don’t have to worry about it
William Maxwell Iceladen all of that can be said about other operating systems too, plus they aren’t anywhere near as vulnerable to malicious software as Windows. I still fail to see your logic here.
Alan Stainer no it can’t.
Not as vulnerable is the only selling point and you’re still as likely to fall for an fake ad or be duped into doing something stupid.
William Maxwell Iceladen I get the feeling you don’t like Ubuntu or Linux in general, as first you say people should use Arch in order to get into Unix and then you claim Windows is better? This thread is not about what operating system is better than another. There are alternatives to Windows which work perfectly well for a lot of people.
Alan Stainer your feelings are completely unfounded to be quite honest.
it depends on the usecase.
If you wanna learn about Linux then arch is probably the best system for it because it has great documentation while being relatively simple to manage.
If you wanna do only browsing why are you on Linux instead of a system that is better made for it like windows?
Since you said your usecase is not “power users” then why you’re suggesting a system that does not give them a better experience.
I don’t care about ubuntu I think it has its use cases but being an introduction to people who want to learn about Unix is not a good case over arch.
Alan Stainer Linux is a variant of unix along with numerous others. I’ve used something approaching 15 over the years. They all had their differences.
Ubuntu is not actually an operating system. A version of Linux is and then a Window Manager sits on top of that to give the final desktop. It’s quite possible though tricky to have Ubuntu just boot to a command prompt.
William Maxwell Iceladen why is windows better for facebook and browsing?
FB works just fine on my Ubuntu machine as does browsing. Problems with flash sometimes but people shouldn’t be using that anyway.
Oh, and on your branding point Alan Stainer I would certainly agree on that. Perhaps you should have bought a batch so that you could sell them at the show.
Ian Dixon I just mentioned the reasons in the conversation.
Ubuntu is an operating system. Linux is just a kernel unless you define a kernel as an operating system which Is the same as calling an engine the car.
Ian Dixon I did consider buying a batch. Another time maybe. It all helps with awareness.
Why cant you lot just share the love? ;-) Reading this is like listening to two siblings arguing over which is better cocopops or rice bubbles.
ziesmcd00m because it’s a non trivial issue that nobody answered to
Anyway . Let us know how it all pans out.