The ever changing world of search
Lots of great points in this week’s Whiteboard Friday. I think the key take away is this, SEO should be there to support your other marketing efforts. Simply performing SEO and expecting to get traffic is not enough these days.
Originally shared by Rand Fishkin
Google’s Changes Have Created More SEO Value for Those w/ Loyal Audiences
New WB Friday: http://bit.ly/LoyaltyBeforeSEO
This week, I’m talking about 5 changes Google’s made over the last few years that have resulted in a powerful bias in the organic results toward those sites and brands that have built up loyal audiences. Also included – some marketing tactics that can help build loyalty.
I think that’s it Alan Stainer. Shows how far we’ve come when an SEO consultancy tells us that building an audience and a network comes before optimisation. Which is as it should be.
Someone once described to me the different aspects of marketing as legs on a chair. Each leg supports the chair, and if you neglect just one of the legs, the chair might fall over.