Time for a change?
This week (and it’s only Monday!) I got a little bit annoyed when I was asked to have a look at a certain laptop which had yet again been infected by something nasty. I started to despair at the world in general and with the apparent inability of people to stop using insecure operating systems.
So rather than rant about it to everyone I meet, I have written this little piece instead. Hopefully I have pointed out the good points about using Linux based computers and not just used it as an excuse to trash Windows. ;)
Originally shared by South Downs Tech
Time for a change?
Why do so many computer enthusiasts turn to Linux? No, that’s not the start of some joke, it’s a serious question and one I think everyone should be thinking about.
I can’t speak for others, but I imagine their reasons for ditching Windows and Macs are similar to my own. In no particular order, here are some of the reasons…
Thanks Alan Stainer , bookmark it!
Thanks Alan Stainer , bookmark it!