Refill: The idea. The app. The movement.
It’s a simple concept. You install the app on your smartphone and it shows you registered Refill Stations nearby where you can go and refill your reusable water bottle for free.
The businesses that sign up get increased footfall and that feel good factor for doing something positive and the people that fill up their bottles? Well, they get to quench their thirst and don’t throw away all of those plastic bottles that are filling up our rivers, seas and oceans.
So it’s a win win!
Anyway, linked below is the collection I set up for Kinder Living who have been busily signing up local businesses in the Horsham District of West Sussex prior to the official launch on July the 8th. Feel free to have a look.
Oh and here’s a link to the main Refill website if you would like to read more about it, or even start one up in your area!
cliff higson says
Good idea our local city council here on the gold coast in Australia has been putting free water refilling stations in the public parks & council facilities and offer reusable drink bottles to encourage the same.
cliff higson says
Good idea our local city council here on the gold coast in Australia has been putting free water refilling stations in the public parks & council facilities and offer reusable drink bottles to encourage the same.
Alan Stainer says
cliff higson that’s great!
Alan Stainer says
cliff higson that’s great!
Mac Baird says
Refilling water bottles eliminates a lot of plastic in the environment, but where will people get the 40 grams of sugar they were used to getting in their soda refills? :-)
Mac Baird says
Refilling water bottles eliminates a lot of plastic in the environment, but where will people get the 40 grams of sugar they were used to getting in their soda refills? :-)
Alan Stainer says
Mac Baird I vote for an
energychocolate bar to supplement your sugar needs on those long walks. ;)Alan Stainer says
Mac Baird I vote for an
energychocolate bar to supplement your sugar needs on those long walks. ;)Mac Baird says
You might want to make sure your refill stations are not connected to polluted municipal systems. – Freshwater Pollution Costs US At Least $4.3 Billion A Year
Mac Baird says
You might want to make sure your refill stations are not connected to polluted municipal systems. – Freshwater Pollution Costs US At Least $4.3 Billion A Year