The part time president
This is definitely getting filed under strange, as it can never be considered cool, especially when playing golf apparently comes before what other people would consider important things a president should be doing.
Two websites for your consumption, the first shows how many days Donald Trump has spent playing golf while in office, the second shows how many days he has actually been president of the USA.
Currently it’s roughly 1 in 4 days in office spent playing golf.
NUMPTIES the lot of them !!!!
NUMPTIES the lot of them !!!!
NUMPTIES the lot of them !!!!
NUMPTIES the lot of them !!!!
Personally, at this stage, I am happy to put my taxes towards putting him on a permanent golfing trip… more time out of the whitehouse spent the better.
Personally, at this stage, I am happy to put my taxes towards putting him on a permanent golfing trip… more time out of the whitehouse spent the better.
Personally, at this stage, I am happy to put my taxes towards putting him on a permanent golfing trip… more time out of the whitehouse spent the better.
Personally, at this stage, I am happy to put my taxes towards putting him on a permanent golfing trip… more time out of the whitehouse spent the better.
When Obama’s not infrequent or “inexpensive” golf outings were commented on, it was seen as a horror by Liberals. This proves my “theory” that in politics today, “what is done” matters not, only “who does it.”
When Obama’s not infrequent or “inexpensive” golf outings were commented on, it was seen as a horror by Liberals. This proves my “theory” that in politics today, “what is done” matters not, only “who does it.”
When Obama’s not infrequent or “inexpensive” golf outings were commented on, it was seen as a horror by Liberals. This proves my “theory” that in politics today, “what is done” matters not, only “who does it.”
When Obama’s not infrequent or “inexpensive” golf outings were commented on, it was seen as a horror by Liberals. This proves my “theory” that in politics today, “what is done” matters not, only “who does it.”