There is no economic basis for an oil company diversifying into the manufacture of solar, wind or any other alternative energy source that competes with their current product. The competition in that space is already intense, and the oil companies have no talent or resources to leverage off. However, they might consider diversifying into other technologies that chemically manufacture petroleum products directly from seawater or atmospheric CO2. In the meantime, they will continue to pump fossil oil and natural gas for another century or two, at a declining rate, as long as they can maintain the price of fossil energy below demand destruction level ~$100/barrel where it is no longer affordable by 80+% of the planet’s population.
Show female squirt
Now, IF you owned a major Oil Company, (Chevron, Texaco, etc.) Why wouldn’t you want to start Diversifying RIGHT NOW?
It doesn’t make sense, to keep sticking your head into the sand.
Audie Collins yup. It’s not as if the big oil companies haven’t got enough cash to fund renewables either.
இனிமேல் பெட்ரோல் பம்ப்கள் கார் சார்ஜிங் ஸ்டேஷன்களாகிவிடலாம்.
Audie Collins
There is no economic basis for an oil company diversifying into the manufacture of solar, wind or any other alternative energy source that competes with their current product. The competition in that space is already intense, and the oil companies have no talent or resources to leverage off. However, they might consider diversifying into other technologies that chemically manufacture petroleum products directly from seawater or atmospheric CO2. In the meantime, they will continue to pump fossil oil and natural gas for another century or two, at a declining rate, as long as they can maintain the price of fossil energy below demand destruction level ~$100/barrel where it is no longer affordable by 80+% of the planet’s population.
Your wise beyond your years.. Thank you, more people need to know this, keep telling the truth!