UK Solar Energy Breaks New Record — Almost 24% Electricity Demand
Even though the government seem hell bent on shale gas and nuclear, the UK still managed to make a record amount of energy from solar cells across the nation.
Now we just need to not just break the 25% mark, but utterly smash it.
santosh pakhare says
It’s our needs
Tom Woodland says
That’s amazing
Mike Koontz says
It really is pitiful that the politicians leading the English Islands seem for unknown reasons to prefer more unhealthy and unsustainable options. I guess someone knew who to buy :)..
Alan Stainer says
Michael A Koontz I think it goes hand in hand with the politician’s inability to properly sort out the banking sector as well.
Mike Koontz says
Mmm, I think so too Alan. There is a certain kind of greed that always seem to walk hand in hand with the Way our dear politicians think.
Zahra Ali says
We need that kind of tech in Iran
Alan Stainer says
Zahra Ali we do. We need it pretty much everywhere.
Zahra Ali says
Tnx for replying. I have a question, which major in college studies and researches about solar cells?
Alan Stainer says
Zahra Ali I would imagine anything that deals with electrical engineering.
Mike Koontz says
KTH in Sweden is pretty big on sustainable energy and things, and the transformative tech needed if you feel like taking a major in another country.
Mac Baird says
Here is another application of solar technology you might find of interest.
Mark Kemper says
When I was young and nuclear was the newest great thing for power generation I was all for it because it was “clean.” Now I feel new plants should be banned because the waste has to me managed for 1000 years. Why should it be mankind’s problem to deal with the waste when they got no benefit from the power generation. We can not deal with bridges and other infrastructure that is only a few decades old.
Mac Baird says
Because of the total direct and indirect costs of nuclear power utility generation, that power industry has plateaued and will likely decline, with the possible exception of nuclear submarines that I spent 20 years orbiting the planet in.
Talha Ijaz says
This is so awesome .i am doin’ electrical engineering from pakistan this is so awesome project
Ibrahima Thiabou says
Je pense que nous devons utiliser les énergies soleil pour lutter contre les changements climatiques
Mike Koontz says
Very true Mac, the one exception might be if/when we crack clean fusion. On the other hand, I doubt it will ever be needed for a 100% sustainable planet, solar, wind, thermo and so forth, it´s improving in a crazy high ( and wonderful ) pace, coupled with all other improvements, we´re globally going clean and sustainable much quicker than most seem to anticipate.
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