Don’t air your dirty laundry
It doesn’t matter if you are a technophobe or not, one thing remains true. The world is a smaller place because of the internet.
It has great advantages yes, but it also means it is so much easier to slip up in public. Say or do the wrong thing online and the proverbial can and does hit the fan.
It’s not all doom and gloom though, as I explain in my latest column.
It’s that constantly on guard feeling that gets to me…Its very tiring…
Alan Stainer says
Part of that is likely down to the unknown aspect of the whole thing UNKUHNOODLES In that we cannot control what other people write about us. Embarrassing photos, disgruntled friends, etc.
We are supplied with such flimsy armor to guard against all these arrows!!! Best to be alone, guarded, and warm in the embrace of oneself-the only true reality!