Solar on par with Hinkley C
“Solar power could provide the same amount of electricity as the Hinkley Point C nuclear power station for half the subsidy cost, according to analysis by the Solar Trade Association.”
Why are we making it so hard for renewable energy sources?
Isn’t that one of the nuclear reactors that the UK govt is getting a Chinese company to build a bigger better and more powerful one?
Yes it is.
The Chinese are not interested in solar power
The chinese are building the UK a couple of new nuclear reactors…
Because we are idiots.
Because we want to kill our planet duh with nukes
Magicarp isToostrong how does nuclear power kill the planet?
Warwick Williams I said nukes Nuclear power is used for making nukes and also radiation from the nuclear power plant
Magicarp isToostrong
“+Warwick Williams I said nukes Nuclear power is used for making nukes and also radiation from the nuclear power plant ”
1) the article is about a PV power plant vs an existing nuclear plant… that is being replaced.
2) how exactly does the radiation from nuclear power plants kill the planet? Are you talking about the spent fuel rod assemblies?
While uranium needs to be enriched for either purpose and a reactor does produce plutonium, 1 does not mean the other is automatically made. e.g. just because you have the enriched uranium ore or the plutonium in the spent fuel rods does not mean you also have a weapon. The 2 are similar but separate.
This is the sort of scaremonger argument that holds back nuclear power as an alternative to coal and an ingredient in a mix of low to no carbon electricity generating methods.
Look, there is NO solution to a nuclear disaster! Really nothing else needs to be said.
Dennis Dowd You’re right. There is nothing more that needs to be said for people who have nothing to offer other than the same scare monger theme. Anything to save yourself from knowing anything or having to think…
Warwick Williams Dennis Dowd
The future of nuclear is Thorium. Abundant. Clean. Can destroy nuclear waste. Can not make bombs or meltdown. No waste our radiation.
They’re close to figuring it out.
Tom Woodland If you are talking about technology still in development I would say that the future of nuclear is fusion reactors.
Moving back into what is here now we have fission reactors. There is more to nuclear reactors than bombs waste and electricity. There is something called nuclear medicine that saves lives every day. I wonder if the anti nuclear lobby would think differently about nuclear if they were faced with a situation where they needed treatment to survive.
Warwick Williams there is a stark difference between radiation used in medicine and nuclear energy production, whether it be for electricity or massive explosions.
Alan Stainer I never said it was the same. I said that there is more to nuclear reactors than bombs waste and electricity. I have never heard the anti nuclear lobby ever talk about nuclear medicine… Do you wonder why?
Warwick Williams The people of Japan know all about idiots like you who reassured them time and time again that nuclear power plants are safe and every safety features has been designed into the them! Arrogance is built into your thinking and therefore your solutions will be forever flawed. Fortunately, you have NO say in the future of nuclear power, for its people like you who end up killing the innocent people who believed your lies!
Dennis Dowd Name calling. I guess I was right with you not having anything to offer or actually know anything other than the same old scare monger story. Making emotive comments is not a substitute for an actual argument though.
“… its people like you who end up killing the innocent people who believed your lies!”
What lies do you speak of? Are you implying there have been deaths from radiation from Fukushima?
Warwick Williams I suggest you move there and get a job working at the plant. I like to see glow in the dark. Germany has closed all its nuclear plants, and we have done the same in California. They were shut down because they were poorly designed and poorly operative. You know that and every one else reading this know it. You can argue with me all you want, but we all know that nuclear power is too expensive and dangerous, that is why we are searching for alternatives.
Dennis Dowd “I like to see glow in the dark.”
Again you show you don’t know much about nuclear radiation if you think it makes people glow in the dark.
So you give the thumbs up for shutting down reactors… I am going to bet you’re a save the world greenie guy aren’t you? Tell me, in shutting down these reactors what has Japan and Germany plugged the hole in their energy demand with? Thats the irony with greenies. I wonder if any of them have noticed?
Its the scare mongers that are the reason why my country uses so much natural gas and coal to generate reliable base load electricity when we could have had cheap clean zero carbon emission power ages ago. Because of people who clearly know very little about nuclear energy and radiation feel they must hijack any debate with the same old false facts and nonsense because they are incapable of thinking. Is it liberating for you to be so ignorant?