minino – Linux for the older computer
It’s all about choice. Using Linux means you are free to use those 10+ years old computers if you choose to.
Here is minino adding to the range of choices.
Originally shared by Linux News Here
Recently I posted an article specifying why a new Linux user might not like to install & use Lightweight Linux distributions in which I mentioned certain charactersticks of a Lightweight distribution. But as mentioned in that article the lightweight #Linux #distros have their own benefits like, easy to use, faster and so on. One of the most important benefits is that lightweight Linux can be installed on the older hardware. minino aims to provide the same benefit plus many others.
I have never seen GALP and i’m off to check it out. Thank you. I’m sure there are distro’s that would run on PC’s older than 10 years. I have x1 imac lapshade over 15 years old running OS X 10.3, a Macbook running 7.2 and recently formated a p4 from 1997 with Mythbuntu. My Rasberry Pi runs Debian port and it only has a 1ghz cpu 500mb ram and 4 gb sd card. Linux can do everything. Great article, thank you again.