Thank you for sharing this Priya Chandra. I am just glad I had already finished eating, or I might have sprayed food… September 17, 2015 by Alan Stainer Thank you for sharing this Priya Chandra. I am just glad I had already finished eating, or I might have sprayed food all over my desk with mirth. Originally shared by Rosa Vasquez (iamamiwhoami) Cat butt coasters Share this:TweetLike this:Like Loading... Related
B.Scott Love says October 9, 2015 at 6:11 pm Good luck getting a cat to actually use it. Once they figure out you want them to use it, they wont. Loading...
B.Scott Love says October 9, 2015 at 6:11 pm Good luck getting a cat to actually use it. Once they figure out you want them to use it, they wont. Loading...
That… is fucking disgusting!
That… is fucking disgusting!
Good luck getting a cat to actually use it. Once they figure out you want them to use it, they wont.
Good luck getting a cat to actually use it. Once they figure out you want them to use it, they wont.