I sense backlash coming for Microsoft.
Why does everything Microsoft do have to make waves?
Originally shared by Linux News Here
Linux News Here
Well it’s on again. Operating System Lockout on Windows 10.
In my opinion OS lockout has always been the primary goal of m$.
At its WinHEC hardware conference in Shenzhen, China, #Microsoft talked about the hardware requirements for Windows 10. The precise final specs are not available yet, so all this is somewhat subject to change, but right now, Microsoft says that the switch to allow Secure Boot to be turned off is now optional. Hardware can be Designed for #Windows 10 and can offer no way to opt out of the Secure Boot lock down. #Linux
Hold on a sec… one key word there: CHINA. Some (many?) of the firms there have little respect for people’s Intellectual Property. If the lock down does happen I’d not be surprised to see one board be sold for M$ use only, then the exact same system sold under some Chinese brand with the lockdown removed. Google for Cisco and Huawei. Or look for the Top Gear episode about copied cars.
And if you want to run Linux go for a Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone Black, or other Linux/Android friendly board.
When I worked for MS they indicated that 80% of software in Asia was none original. Personally if you are more akin to open systems I can see why these options can been seen as annoying. So in answer to Alan Stainer questions it might be – bad publicity is free publicity or now there is more choice and competition its a desperate measure to hold market share. That said all proprietary systems do this just look at Apple for example.
Do Micro$oft still charge PC manufacturers for a copy of Windoze on every unit that gets shipped? They used to and threatened some with refusing to let them have OEM if they failed to cash up.
If I want to buy a PC then ask me if I want Windoze on it and charge me if I do. If I don’t then I get a lower price. Simple enough