Enjoy the peaceful countryside, or speak up about it
Good internet connectivity is absolutely vital. It is vital for business and it is vital for your regular Joe. If you are conducting business online, planning for a holiday, doing your weekly shop or just talking to relatives, you need a fast connection. In fact, the demands we are putting on our internet connections are only going to grow in the future.
So why the heck are there places in the world where coverage of super fast broadband and 4G are poor or non-existent? I don’t even mean far flung places like the North Pole either, but supposedly civilized places like England.
Do we all need to wait for Google UK to take a lead from the US and stir the pot by introducing Google Fibre to Britain and really showing up the existing providers for their sloppy behaviour? What about 4G and 3G coverage?
What can we do now to improve our lot?
WSCC has handed over more than £20m to BT/Openreach for the purpose of solving rural broadband in Sussex; in less time than that John LEwis are erecting a store in Horsham. Someone needs to ask where the money went
I agree completely Nik Butler
There are a lot of highly visible constructions going on in the county, like John Lewis and the roadworks on the A24. Where are the fleets of Openreach vehicles upgrading the digital infrastructure?