Is it time to move on from email?
I don’t know about you, but I find spam emails completely annoying. At best they are time consuming, at worst they infect your computer with viruses and eat up network bandwidth and mailbox quotas.
There is nothing more annoying than when you get spam email from someone you know. At least, it looks like you know them, but you really don’t. There is nothing we can do to stop others spoofing our email addresses.
That’s one big problem with email.
I think there is an alternative in the form of social media, as I explain in the article below. Do you agree?
Stubbs Removers Ltd that does indeed happen, but you can at least control who can send you messages, which puts you in control.
Even if you like to leave things open, If you get a request to ‘friend’ a spammer, you just ignore them and move on, or report them.
For a business I think emails are still essential but social media could work for personal communications.