People knowledgeable in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques will tell you that you should be creating new content for your website all the time.
This is true! Purely from a search engine perspective, it means the search engines have something new and juicy to crawl through and consume, ready to be regurgitated in search results. Search engines love new content!
Secondly, each time you create a new post, that post is a web page in it’s own right and stands a chance of appearing in search results. Therefore, you will be increasing your chances of appearing in search results. Search engines love new content!
However, people love reading new things too and they are the most important reason for putting anything online. You won’t get repeat visitors to your website if all you have are the same three or four pages that you had two years ago. People love new content!
Similarly, if you write something useful that people may want to actively go and read, you will be doing yourself a big favour. The more useful something is the more chance you have of creating something with evergreen potential that visitors will share and share again. People love new content!
Now, you may be reading this and thinking, “Phshyeah right.” Maybe you don’t know what to blog about, or you feel uncomfortable sharing your thoughts in public.
Well, we all start somewhere and a good place to start is by reading this post by Mike Allton. You Are A Bad Blogger. But That’s OK!
Another tip is to start small if you have to and post something on a social network. It’s called micro blogging for a reason.
The worst thing that can happen is that no one reads your post, but at least you will have tried.